~My dog just being his loving, little Gucci self
~My amazing boyfriend's love and thoughtfulness
~My daddy and his silliness. I have the best daddy in the world!!
~My brother. He is the kind of man I hope my daughters marry one day.
~Brand new stuff. I love when things are brand new and look so pretty on display. It doesn't matter if it's kitchen towels or makeup or a shower curtain, or new clothes, or even new cleaning supplies or groceries. It just makes me happy to see everything displayed all new, nice, neat and orderly.
~The crisp scent of the air in the fall
~For the room to be really cold and to be under a nice cozy blanket when I'm ready to sleep
~Random roadtrips
~When packages come in the mail for me
~Giving someone a gift that I know they are gonna love and getting to see that happy look on their face
~Puppies. Just laying on the floor and being crawled on by puppies.
~A clean, organized, smelling good home
~When someone give me presents. I love presents!
~The color pink
~Trying out a new recipe and it being a success
~Zen moments of just relaxing with a cup of tea
~Gucci dancing round in circles when I come home because he is so happy to see me
~One of those hugs that just envelop you and holds you just right and lets you know that everything is gonna be okay
~Seeing the view count on my blog rise. It make me feel accomplished and that makes me happy.
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