I Now Declare...
1. I have a right to experience all my emotions- they make me neither weak nor strong, they are a natural part of being human.
2. I have the right to share and/or express my feelings to others if and when I choose, without obligation, guilt, or shame.
3. I have the right to trust my intuitions.
4. I have the right to NOT take responsibility for people’s behaviors, feelings, or problems.
5. I have a right to a healthy, loving, secure, nurturing relationship.
6. I have the right to respect and compassion from others– and NOTHING LESS.
7. I have the right to make my own decisions.
8. I have the right to care for my own emotional and physical wellbeing.
9. I have a right to spend time and energy on myself, to do things that make my life enjoyable; and treat myself as I want and deserve to be treated by others.
10. I have the right to distinguish who other people say I am (or was) and who I actually am.
11. I have the right to NOT be treated like a "doormat", and if one does, to get up off the floor and stand up for myself.
12. I have the right to BE ME, without explanation, apology, or defense.
13. I have the right to say NO.
14. I have the right to say YES.
15. I have the right to NOT always be nice, good, right, and strong.
16. I have the right to be selfish; being selfish (attending to my own needs; self-nurturing) is healthy and good- as long as I don't hinder or disrespect others rights to care for themselves.
17. I have the right to smile, laugh, have fun, relax, be spontaneous, and play.
18. I have the right to trust others and trust myself.
19. I have the right to be vulnerable.
20. I have the right to be direct, assertive, and set strong/healthy boundaries- without guilt or explanation.
21. I have the right to develop and grow at my own pace, and in the directions I feel are best for me.
22. I have the right to view another person who is being critical/judgmental of me, as one who is projecting his/her own insecurity and shame … and know ‘IT IS NOT ABOUT ME’, but only "ABOUT HIM/HER'.
23. I have the right to NOT people-please at the expense of my emotional well-being – even if it means saying “no” to people who are used to hearing “yes”.
24. I have the right to put my needs first, before the needs of another.
25. I have the right to be IMPERFECT; to make mistakes and be wrong.
26. I have the right to say exactly what I mean, what I feel, or what I believe in a respectful manner, when I feel is necessary.
27. I have the right to fully and unconditionally forgive myself for past mistakes.
28. I have the right to ask for what I want or need.
29. I have a right to disengage/detach from anyone who deliberately or inadvertently puts me down, lays a guilt trip on me, or tries to control what I do, believe, or feel.
30. I have the right to change my mind; or decide on a different course of action, anytime I so choose.
31. I have the right to not identify with, or ‘carry the torch’, of my family of origin’s dysfunction, shame, or toxic rules/beliefs.
32. I have the right to allow positive people, experiences, and situations to freely and effortlessly enter into my life.
33. I have the right to ‘speak up’ if i desire, or ‘remain silent’ if I desire, about any topic, and around anyone, at any time, as I wish.
34. I have a right to 'where my feelings on my shoulders' (i.e., not smile if I feel sad or disappointed).
35. I have a right to grow and develop myself as a whole person emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically, and psychologically.
36. I have the right to love, to accept, to embrace, and to fully appreciate myself unconditionally.
37. I have the right to be in relationships without losing my identity; abandoning my interests, needs, and wants.
38. I have the right to Embrace an important Truth, that I AM ME - and I AM OKAY, JUST AS I AM.
39. I have the right to fill my own needs and wants, rather than demand or expect others to do so for me. * And for my needs and wants to be respected, AT ALL TIMES.
40. I have the right and duty to myself, to fully honor and practice in my life, 'My Personal Bill of Rights'.
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